Cosyn Cymru

gan Rhodri Jones

Gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion naturiol a dulliau traddodiadol, mae Carrie Rimes yn creu ei chynnyrch llaeth Defaid â llaw mewn sypiau bach. Dechreuodd Carrie archwilio gwneud caws ar y fferm deuluol pan oedd yn ifanc, ond dim ond ychydig yn ddiweddarach y dysgodd ei sgiliau tra’n gweithio, am dair blynedd, mewn siop fach o ffermdy Ffrengig yng nghanol yr Auvergne.

Using natural ingredients and traditional methods, Carrie Rimes makes her ewe’s milk products by hand in small batches. Carrie started to explore cheese-making on the family farm as a youngster, but it wasn’t till much later that she learned her skills while working, for three years, at a small French farm fromagerie in the heart of the Auvergne.

Diolch i grant gan yr UE, llwyddodd busnes bach Carrie ‘Cosyn’ i ehangu a throsi’r hen eglwys Gatholig ar lan Afon Ogwen ym Methesda. Mae Brexit, fodd bynnag, wedi golygu na all hi bellach fforddio allforio ei chynnyrch i’r UE ac mae prynu cynnyrch o’r cyfandir i’w gynhyrchu hefyd wedi dod yn llawer drytach.

Thanks to an EU grant Carrie’s company, Cosyn was able expand her business and convert the former Catholic church on the banks of the Afon Ogwen in Bethesda. Brexit, however, has meant that she can no longer afford to export her products to the EU and buying products from the continent for her production has also become a lot more expensive. 

Mae amynedd a dycnwch yn gynhwysion hanfodol ar gyfer creu cynnyrch fferm, ac nid yw caws llaeth ac iogwrt defaid heb ei basteureiddio yn eithriad. Mae Carrie yn parhau i fod yn frwdfrydig ac yn cael ei chefnogi gan ffermwyr defaid lleol o amgylch Gwynedd. Fodd bynnag, yn dilyn Brexit, mae’n poeni na fydd cenedlaethau’r dyfodol yn cael yr un cyfleoedd a chafodd hi.

Patience and tenacity are essential ingredients for many farm products and award winning unpasteurised ewe's milk cheese and yogurt are no exception. Carrie remains enthusiastic and is supported by local sheep farmers around Gwynedd. However, following Brexit, she worries that future generations won’t have the same opportunities she did.


Exciting News and Steady Progress: Our Brexit Wales Photography Project Update