Offline Journal

Os dachi’n licio darllen am Ffotograffiaeth Dogfennol o orffenol Cymru neu eisiau gwybod am waith ffotograffwyr sydd ar y sîn yma yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd mi fysa’ ni yn argymell i chi brynnu y cylchgrawn yma. Mae llunia cysyniadol a sgyrsiau sy’n procio’r meddwl yn cael ei brintio o fewn ei dudalennau lliwgar, ac mae rhifyn yn cael ei ryddhau dwy waith y flwyddyn - felly mai’n ddiwrnod reit ecseiting pan mae’r ‘Offline Journal’ yn dod drwy’r post!

Dani’ fel prosiect ‘Doc Cymru’ wedi cael y fraint o rhoi ein stori ni i’r ‘Offline Journal’ ar gyfer rhifyn mis Ebrill felly dani’ methu disgwyl derbyn ein copi ni!

Dilynnwch y linc yma i gael eich copi chi:

If you love reading about Documentary Photography from Wales’ past or want to read about the current photographers on the scene here in Wales then we would recommend getting yourself a copy of this magazine. Amongst the colourful pages you will find conceptual photographic work as well as thought provoking discussions, and as only two issues are released every year so it’s an exciting day when you receive it through the post!

We as ‘Doc Cymru’ have had the chance to tell our story for the April issue and we were very glad to be a part of such a great publication.

Follow this link to get your copy:


The girl in the yellow jacket

