The girl in the yellow jacket

Glenn Edwards



Drost y tri mis dwytha’ mae Glenn Edwards wedi bod yn teithio ar hyd Gymru yn tynnu llunia darpariad y brechlyn Covid 19. Maeo’n brosiect ffotograffiaeth sy’n cael ei gynnal ar hyd Prydain i’r NHS, un Ffotograffydd yn dogfennu ym mhob gwlad; Glenn yn dogfennu Cymru. 

Drwy gwneud y gwaith yma mae Glenn wedi dod ar draws nifer o bobl o’r D.U sy’n byw ym Mhrydain; rhai helaeth ohonynt hefo pryderon am Brexit a rhai ddim yn rhagweld unrhyw effaith arnynt.

Tydi’r llun yma ddim hefo linc i Brexit ond tynnodd Glenn y llun yma mewn Mosque yn Gaerdydd, lle bu dyn o Kenya yn gofyn i rhiwyn dynnu ei lun yn cael y brechiad er mwyn iddo cael gyrru’r llun i’w frawd yn ol yn Kenya i ddangos ei bod o wedi cael o. 

Mi fydd Glenn yn cysylltu hefo’r holl bobl maeo wedi cyfarfod o’r D.U mewn amser.

“Ar y funud, tydwi’ ddim yn teimlo bod angen gwneud helaeth mawr o ymchwil i mewn i fy mhwnc i o fewn y brosiect yma. Mae fy ymchwil i yn dod drwy siarad a rhwydweithio hefo bobl, ac wrth ofyn cwestiynnau i’r bobl dwi’n dod ar ei traws sy’n dod o’r U.D a phellach. 

Ar fy nhrafels o gwmpas y wlad yn tynnu llunia i’r brosiect brechlyn Covid 19 dwi wedi cyfarfod lot fawr o bobl, a trwy siarad mae straeon yn datblygu, dim bob tro ond yn aml.

Wythnos dwytha’ tra’n gweithio yn y Canolbarth mi wnes i ofyn wrth hogan Ifanc am gyfarwyddiadau, ‘security guard’ odd hi yn gwisgo siaced melyn, mi odd hi’n dod o Romania.

Wedi i mi sgwrsio hefo hi am bum munud, darganfyddais bod hi’n nyrs ond methu gweithio yn y wlad yma nes iddi hi gwbwlhau ei phrawf Saesneg. Soniodd hi ei fod o’n profi i fod yn ddrud i wneud y prawf yma, felly dyma pam mi odd hi’n gweithio fel gwarchodwraig i dalu am y gwersi Saesneg. Pam ofynnishi’ am ei dyfodol hi yma oherwydd Brexit ei hateb hi, fel nifer o bobl eraill dwi wedi sgwrsio hefo oedd ‘tydwi ddim yn gwbod.”

Mi neshi egluro yr hyn odda’ni yn ei wneud hefo’r brosiect yma a dweud wrthi mi faswni wrth fy modd yn cael sgwrsio mwy hefo hi.

Mi neshi adael fy ngherdyn hefo hi yn y gobaith mi ga’i ebost ganddi hi. Os ddim, y tro nesa’ dwi’n mynd heibio’r ffatri mi wna’i gadw llygad allan am ei siaced melyn hi.”


For the past three months Glenn Edwards has been travelling the length and breadth of Wales photographing the vaccine roll out. It is a UK wide documentation for the NHS with one photographer in each country. In doing so he has met and spoken to many EU ' citizens ' living in the UK. Some have genuine worries about the situation of Brexit, others say it will not effect them.

The picture is not related to Brexit but from a visit to a mosque in Cardiff where a Kenyan man asked for his jab to be photographed on his phone so he could show his brother at home that he had been vaccinated.

Details and a follow up will take place with those from the EU met all over Wales.

“At the moment for my part of this project I don’t feel I need to do extensive in depth research. My research is in the form of stories through conversation. Currently, it is through networking and asking questions to individuals from the E.U. and beyond.

 On my travels around Wales over the last 6 weeks during photographing the vaccine rollout I have met many people and through the conversation the stories evolve, not always, but often.

 Last week in Mid Wales I stopped to ask directions and the young woman, a security guard in her yellow jacket was from Romania.

Talking to her just for 5 minutes I found out she was a nurse but couldn’t work until she had passed her English exam. To do that was proving to be expensive so she is working as a security guard to pay for her lessons. When asked about her future due to Brexit her answer was the same as many, “I don’t know”.

 I explained what we are doing and I would love to talk more but to her.

 I left my card with her and hope to get an email. If not, next time I am passing her factory I will look for her yellow jacket.”


The Initial Research


Offline Journal